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Digital Toddler Workbook
Is this you?
My 4 year old wanders around the house at night when he should be sleeping.
My 2.5 year old needs me to lay with her every night until she's asleep and then wakes up 10 times a night and needs help falling back to sleep.
My toddler climbs into my bed every night.
Imagine if...
A workbook could change how my toddler is sleeping?
I had customizable templates that I could cater to my own toddler?
I didn't feel stuck?
What if...?
I knew how to get my 3 year old to stop fighting me at bedtime?
My 2 year old fell asleep on her own and I got to have alone time with my partner again?
I met my child's needs/wants/desires during the day so bedtime just became easy?
What's included?
Sleep Well Little One: Toddler Sleep Workbook- digital download (PDF format)
Customizable toddler templates for use in Canva
Pre-recorded webinar- The Bedtime Battle: How to Support Bedtime and Increase Bedtime Ease
Investment: $37 (currently on sale $10 off because of the new launch!)
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