Families that have gone through and overcome infertility, IVF and/or pregnancy loss
Families that fall within the Queer spectrum
Families that are Deaf and use American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate
My name is Laurel Segal.
I have always been one to love caring for other people and it has always come naturally to me. I love supporting new parents and seasoned families alike. I take pride in the knowledge and expertise that I have acquired over the years. I am passionate about teaching families the tools that they need to be the best version of themselves.
After going through over three years of infertility and seven pregnancy losses, I eventually became a mother to an amazing tiny human (now toddler). Working to get my baby taught me that no matter how hard the journey is, everything will eventually be worth it. The moment I held my child for the first time, the stars aligned. Going through infertility, pregnancy loss, pregnancy (as a partner) and eventually parenthood has prepared me to support families who have gone through similar journeys. I feel very grateful to have supported countless families with similar stories and look forward to being able to support countless families in the future.
I understand the emotional turmoil and attachment that you likely feel, and I empathize with you as we work together either through the postpartum period or overcoming challenging sleep dynamics with your children.
Why Hire The Seagull Nest?
Expert knowledge
and over 20 years of experience with children of all ages
I support breastfeeding (and chestfeeding). I will never pressure you into weaning.
I am parenting alongside you. I have a toddler and twin-teenagers.
I work closely with your family to maske sure that your needs, wants and goals are being met. Your family is unique.
What Sets Us Apart?
Postpartum Doula, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Child Passenger Safety Technician and Safe Sleep Ambassador
I am proficient in ASL,
knowledgeable about Deaf Community
Inclusive- queer owned
Personal experience with infertility, ART (assisted reproductive technology and pregnancy loss
I am a parent to a toddler and twin-teenagers
I will never judge you
I know that your experience is unique to you and your family. This means that what works for you may not work for someone else and vice versa
Sleep Challenges That I Work To Improve
Establishing heathy sleep habits from birth
Feeding to sleep
Early morning
Inability to
Nap issues
Inability to fall asleep independently
Schedule problems
Inability to sleep
in own bed
Middle of the night wakings
Improving parent's mental health by getting their sleep back